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March 14, 2025

Notice of School Property Prescribed Burns

The ACSD maintenance team will be conducting prescribed burns periodically in Ankeny as weather conditions allow, continuing until June 1, 2025. Weather conditions and safety considerations will determine the exact date and time of the fires.

Why do we perform prescribed burns?

Central Iowa’s landscape was once dominated by tall grass prairies. These ecosystems have an abundance of plants, insects, birds, mammals, and reptiles. The native grasses and forbs (flowers) also provide seed and nectar for insects, butterflies, birds, and small mammals. In nature, fire is essential to maintain the integrity of the native prairie plant species located in our parks. Fire is a natural occurrence that helps the plant and animal communities in a park and controlled burning offers a safer way to use fire in a helpful manner. The benefits of prescribed burns include the following:

  • Aid in reducing the undesirable plants from invading our native prairie areas
  • Help to maintain a rich diversity of wildflowers and grasses
  • Decreases the threat of wildfires by decreasing the accumulation of combustibles
  • Benefits water quality by aiding in the establishment of deep-rooted natives
  • Improves the natural beauty and enjoyment of our parks

Thank you for understanding.

March 7, 2025

Art Show and Newsletter

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Art Show:

We have 22 artists from Northwest Elementary that were selected to showcase their artwork at the 2024/25 Ankeny Art Show!

This is a District K-12 Art show that will be on display and open to the public to view for free from March 25th – April 24th at the Ankeny Art Center. The Art Center is located at: 1520 SW Ordnance Road.

We would LOVE to see friends and family come and support our budding artists!

If you have any questions, please contact your NW Elementary Art teacher Ms. Gonzalez at:


Click here for 3/6 Newsletter

February 28, 2025

Picture Day is Coming

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Lifetouch Spring Pictures:

-Pre-order on using your Student ID or Picture Day ID: EVT6VN8K2 or send your payment in with the paper order form on picture day.

-More paper order forms can be requested in the office.

-Students are photographed on Picture Day- March 12.

-Orders will be sent home with your student after picture day.

Parents can contact Customer Service with questions pertaining to pictures/payments/delivery at 1-800-736-4753


Click below for the rest of this week’s newsletter.

Newsletter- 2/27

February 14, 2025

Fun Night

Logo 2023

Our annual Candyland Fun Night is just around the corner. We need volunteers to help make Fun Night successful and fun for our students. You can sign up your silver cord kids, grandparents, older siblings, or volunteer as a whole family. Someone will be going around to help you or give you a break if needed. Let’s do this together for our students.

Sign Up Here

Click here for 2/13 Newsletter

February 7, 2025

Fun Night is Coming Up!

Logo 2023

Ways to help:

*Email or go out to businesses asking for a sponsorship. We will advertise them on our Fun Night donor wall, flyers, social media, and yearbook.

*Deliver donation request to businesses. We’ll give you the letter and the places to drop it off.

*Pick up donations from businesses when ready. We’ll send a sign up genius out to you if you’re interested.

*Donate gently used children books. Mark them PTO and drop them in the office.

*Donate unused toys, games, trinkets, or anything that could be used for the raffle. Mark them PTO and drop them off in the office.

*Donate gently used trinkets, left over party favors, candy for game prizes. Mark them PTO and drop them off in the office.

*Donate baskets, buckets, or anything we can package up raffle prizes in. Mark them PTO and drop them off in the office.

*Be on the look out for our Fun Night volunteer sign up February.

*Reach out to PTO via email if you have any questions.


Click below for Full Newsletter:

Newsletter- 2/6

February 4, 2025

Missed the Preschool Parent Information Meeting?

If you couldn’t attend last week’s Preschool Parent Information Meeting, you can review the slide deck here. We had a fantastic turnout and appreciate everyone who joined us. Thank you for your time and interest in our preschool program!

January 31, 2025

Math Super Bowl

Math Mentals Grade 2 Presentation

This year, Northwest will be hosting its 2nd Annual Math Super Bowl! Over the next month, each K-5 student will be working on building their automaticity with math facts. On Friday, February 7th, all students will have the chance to compete in a special event to show off their skills! Students will be cheered on by their buddy classes. If you would like to join in on the fun, reach out to your child’s teacher and make sure you’re all set on Better Impact. Each class’s time can be found below:

Mrs. Cooper & Mrs. Rodriguez 8:00-8:30

Mrs. Fuller & Miss Miner 8:30-9:00

Mrs. Russell & Mr. Smith 9:30-10:00

Mrs. Fox, Mrs. Gracey, & Mrs. Fogarty 10:00-10:30

Mrs. Beyer, Miss Eischeid, Mrs. Mosier 1:00-1:30

Mrs. Bond, Mrs. Chew, Mr. Kruger 1:30-2:00

A special thank you to our PTO for donating the math fact cards and Diane Nolan, one of our paraprofessionals, for organizing the event!


Click below for Full Newsletter:

Newsletter- 1/31